Syringa pubenscens var. patula 'Miss Kim'
Koreanischer Flieder 'Miss Kim'
- Order number: 1939-03-T
- Height: ca. 10 - 15 cm
- Foliage: deciduous
- Bonsai Pot: plastic pot
- Age: 3 years
- Characteristics: attractive autumn colour, with flowers
- Origin: Germany
- Product contents: You will get a similar plant
Syringa pubescens var. patula 'Miss Kim' – Korean lilac
General information:
The Korean lilac (Syringa pubescens var. patula) is a subspecies of the woolly lilac (Syringa pubescens) and is native to north-eastern China and Korea. Here it grows as a small shrub with a height of 1 to 4 meters. The deciduous leaves are egg-shaped and dark green. The fragrant flower panicles are characteristic.
Care as a bonsai:
The beautiful, fragrant flowers and relatively small leaves make this lilac species worthwhile for bonsai cultivation. The plants are tolerant of pruning and robust. Lilacs can be planted in sunny or semi-shady areas. Sufficient watering should be ensured in hot weather. However, waterlogging leads to root rot. In winter, the roots should be protected from too much frost.
Special features of the variety:
The variety 'Miss Kim' is a selection by Professor E. M. Meader. The seeds were collected by him in the Pouk-Han Mountains in Korea. The special features of the selected seedling are its low growth (2-3 meters), resistance to mildew and attractive burgundy-red autumn colouring. The violet-pink to light blue flower panicles appear in May and exude a pleasant fragrance. The growth habit is upright and dense.